Wednesday 16 August 2017


‘’Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted’’
David Bly

            Our contemporary world is facing one of its greatest challenges; the declining level of hard work among youngsters. Instead of engaging in productive activities many youngsters prefer to engage themselves in luxurious and frivolous activities that have no relevance to their future. There is no short cut to becoming a global champion; you become a global champion by working hard. ‘Hard work is the raw material for champions’.
            It is a common parlance among many youngsters of the 21st Century that those who work hard are not serious minded; they are regarded as fools and most times society looks down on them with disdain. Some even refer to them as people who are not smart. Today examination malpractice is on the increase with parents, teachers and students colluding as a team in achieving their common goals. Students lobby teachers and lecturers with their monies and bodies in order to get cheap grades on a platter of gold. Others get prepared answered scripts  to examination hall, while some teachers and management of some schools engage in the heinous crime of releasing question papers to mercenaries to write examination for students. Miracle Centre’s are everywhere in many cosmopolitan areas across our society with parents paying huge sum of money for their wards to pass with good grades. What has really happened to the values of hard work inculcated into many of these individuals in the past? Many have thrown in the towel of hard work to the dust bin and have taken to the common ‘Nigerian syndrome’ ‘’ If you can’t beat them you join them’’. As parents no matter the help you want to render to your wards do it with a picture of their future in mind. ‘The greatest reason why there are so many graduates without pedigree on the street and the lack of refined professionals in our work places is as a result of lack of proper foundation of hard work in the lives of youngsters’
                 In many homes, youngsters hardly wash their clothes and engage in other domestic chores because they have maids and grown up extended family members that can help them out. Realize this factual truth, your maids are only there for some time, they will not be there to do everything for you later on in life. You will grow up to become responsible individual on your own, get a job, get married and raise your own home. If you are not hard working, how will you be able to combine your career and possibly academics with the challenges of running the family? You must learn to be hard working from home no matter the luxuries at your disposal because you will need the experience later on in life.
                 Working Hard is not an attitude that comes from birth; it is developed from the up- bringing of someone. Today 21st Century parenting has led many youngsters astray to a generation of children that were never taught the relevance of hard work. Many parents have neglected their responsibility to teaching their children to work hard. The entertainment industry has done so much havoc to the mindsets of many youngsters with the release of unhealthy doses of movies, songs, television programmes, and video games Rather than get a job, play games or sports or get involved in other productive activities, many spend their precious time watching programmes that adds no real value to their lives.
                 Many due to their own personal experiences have resorted to saying ‘’ I don’t want my children to suffer’’, this statement is very okay as a parent but most times this is done in the wrong manner. While it is alright for parents to want the best for their children however, it should be done with an attitude of developing their mindset for hard work for tomorrow when you will not be there to support them. Many parents offer everything to their children without resort to letting them know they need hard work to sustain the legacies their parents have left behind. This kind of up-bringing has led to generational failures as you hardly see a millionaire’s children who have sustained their father’s legacy to become a billionaire.
                 As a teen or youth realize that the dictionary is the only place where success comes before hard work. 'Hard work is a tool which converts past failures to success, weakness to strength, poverty to prosperity, and ignorance into education’. No matter the wealth your parents have acquired on your behalf or the one you have gotten on your own, if you don’t work hard you will lose everything within a twinkling of an eye.
                 Hard work is just a little difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary, when you act on the part of the extra you become extraordinary and a beacon of hope to the hopeless. ‘No one makes it to the top as a global champion without hard work’. Hard work is the divine strategy for success. God Himself was a hard worker, no wonder He worked for six days creating heaven and earth. He wants you and I to act like Him that is why He admonished us in Proverbs 22:29: “Seeth thou a man diligent in his business he will stand before kings and not mere men’’.

                 Hard work is a spiritual tool of success no wonder work appeared about 564 times in the Bible. Hard work is putting your faith to work. As a child of God you must learn to walk by faith, each time you engage in hard work you are engaging your faith to deliver to you your harvest. In the same light John Mason posited Faith without work is like gold within the earth, it is of no value until it is mined out. A person who has faith but has no action is like a bird that has wings but no feet ‘’
Hard work is an opportunity to succeed, every hard working individual appreciates opportunities and always maximizes them to their advantage, and they see opportunity with an attitude of focus. No wonder Thomas Edison once said ’ opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in over all that looks like work”.
As a teen or youth, there are opportunities for you to reach the top but for you to get there; you must put on the overall clothing that appears like hard work. Opportunities always appear in disguise it is only the hard worker that can unravel the solution.
Many Individuals always say you are very lucky but they fail to understand that luck don’t just happen, luck only happens when hard work meets with opportunity. In the same vein, Richard Branson owner of the Virgin Atlantic Airlines and Virgin Group once says ‘’ I believe that luck is one of the most misunderstood and underappreciated factors in life. Those people and businesses that are considered generally fortunate or luckier than others are usually also the ones that are prepared to take the greatest risk and by association, are also prepared to fall flat on their faces very often. I have often been accused of being lucky in business but I too believe that a lot of very hard work has played a major part in any luck that has come my way’’2
As youngsters moving in the information age revolution your focus needs to be more strategically powerful like the laser light in order for you to get ten times result on your investment of time and resources. This implies your hard work should transcends just physical efforts but to maximizing the potential of your brain or mind to working smarter in bringing profitable returns.
Roll call of fame from famous athletes like Michael Jordan to top business executives like Aliko Dangote, Mike Adenuga and Bill Gates, all these people were well known for waking up early and working towards their goals while others are sleeping on the comfort of their beds. Even spiritual giants and fathers of faith like Jesus Christ, Apostle Paul, John Wesley ,Pastor Enoch Adeboye, Pastor Benny Hinns, Bishop David Oyedepo, Dr Myles Munroe, Pastor William Kumuye, Pastor Paul Enenche,  Bro Gbile Akanni, Mike Murdoch and Pastor Sam Adeyemi were all great hard workers who hardly have time to waste. Though some youngsters want to believe hard work is old fashioned; old fashioned or modern fashioned as it may be, hard work is a basic prerequisite for Global Champions.
Michael Jordan was known for being the greatest basket baller of all times, rising from mediocrity to becoming an authority. He is a multi-talented basket baller who worked hard and made a mark for himself. According to his long time coach Phil Jackson, it was hard work that made him a legend. When Jordan first entered the league, his jump shots were not good enough. He spent his off season taking hundreds of jumpers a day until it was perfect.  Michael Jordan attested to this principle of hard work in a piece in one of his articles that his defining characteristics were not his talent, but having the humility to work hard constantly. As a young guy/lady are you working hard daily?
Apple Inc. Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook who took over from Steve Jobs was known for his workaholic nature. Fortune Magazine reports that he begins his day sending e-mails at 4:30 am in the morning. He is always the first to report in the office and the last to leave. He used to hold staff meetings on Sundays night in order to prepare for the new week.
American Idol host Ryan Seacrest host a radio show from 5-10 am and runs a production company while appearing seven days a week on Entertainment Channel. Ryan told the New York Times that even as a young child, his goal was to become a classic and iconic broadcaster. He moved towards that goal by taking on a preposterous work load. Because of his hard work, he recently got $300 million as equity funding for his television company to acquire more businesses.
African- American Lawn Tennis legends Venus and Serena Williams who dominated the Female Lawn Tennis for over a decade were all raised with hard work on a lawn tennis court by their father. From an extremely young age their life were described by the New York Times as ‘get up 6’ 0 clock in the morning, go to the tennis court before school. After school, go to tennis’. The William’s family was built around propelling the two youngsters towards success in sports. Today the William Sisters’ are World Champions’ with several records in Wimbledon, London Open, French Open, Australian Open, the Olympics and several other lawn tennis competitions
 New Chief Executive Officer of Yahoo, Marisa Mayer is known for her incredible stamina and hard work. She puts in 130 hours work at Google and told Joseph Walker that she managed her schedule by sleeping under the desk and being strategic about her choices.
Chief Executive Officer of JP Morgan number one bank in the United Kingdom Jamie Dimon has been known to be one successful banker’s story for the past few decades and known to have brought the success story to JP Morgan. New York Times revealed that he spends his weekends working through piles of reading and putting together a list of questions with which to grill employees on Monday. Fortune reports that his life is spent almost entirely on work and family.
Aliko Dangote Chief Executive Officer of the Dangote Group a Nigerian businessman and industrialist who is currently the richest man in Africa is known to be a workaholic from his youthful age. He started his business with a loan of 500,000 naira from his uncle Sanusi Dantata to pay back in one year but due to his hard work he paid back the loan in six months. His schedules commences from 4:30 am in the morning to about 2:00 am in the night meaning he sleeps for just two and a half hours. No wonder he was able to make mark on his generation.

         Bernard Shaw once said ‘’ when I was young I observed that nine out of every ten things I did were failures, so I did ten times more work’’. Hard work is one of the crucial pillars of champions.  If you want to be successful at anything work hard. But to succeed you need some strategies. These strategies include the following.
1.   Set your goals for life. Goal is the core basis, reason and purpose of a thing. It is an observable and measurable end result of a thing. It is the purpose towards which an endeavor is directed. The result or achievement toward which effort is directed or aimed at. For every areas of life set goals. For example academics, family, career, spiritual, finances, business, relationship and many others.
2.   Write down your goals. Written goals have proven to have significant impact in life. The Bible was so emphatic on goals when He posited in Habakkuk 2:2: ‘’Write the vision, make it plane on tablets, so he may run who reads it’’. Furthermore, a study at Harvard University in the Book ‘’ What they Don’t Teach you in the Harvard Business School by Mark McCormick proved the following arguments about goal setting:  Only three percent of the graduates had written goals and plans, 13 percent had goals but they were not in writing and a whopping 84 percent had no specific goal at all. Ten years later, the members of the class where interviewed again, and the following findings came up. The 13 percent of the class who had goals were earning on average twice as much as the 84 percent who had no goals at all. And what about the 3 percent who had their goals written? They were earning on average ten times as much as the other 97 percent put together’’.  The result is that without goals you have no direction in life. Goals are the sign post to your dreams in life.
3.Let your goals be SMART meaning
S          Specific
M        Measurable
A         Attainable
R         Realistic
T         Timely
4.Your goals should also be SMARTER
E         Evaluate
R         Re-evaluate
5.   Do away with toxic mentality syndrome. This implies you need to do away with poisonous mindsets that prevent you from moving forward. There are so many of these toxic mentalities among youngsters of this generation, this include white collar job mentality, victim mentality, consumer mentality and materialism mentality.
            This is one of the greatest reasons why there is high level of unemployment in our society. Many youngsters allow their mindset to be poisoned seeing that once they graduate from school the next thing is to get a white collar job in a blue chip company. They expect their employer to pay them salary that will make them wealthy. There is nothing wrong in aspiring for a well paid job but for you to be a global champion your mentality needs to be smarter beyond just remaining as a paid worker. Olumide Emmanuel once says: Your boss is not your source but your resource; your employer is not your source but just a resource; your government is not your source but just a resource; your salary is not your source but just a resource3.

Research has shown that only 2 percent of world billionaires become wealthy through earning salary the remaining 98 percent earn their money from working hard and smarter through creativity and entrepreneurship. As a Mechanical Engineer nothing stops you from going to an auto repair workshop to learn the rudiments of practical realities of automobile engines dismantle and couple them together. As a Computer Scientist you should be able to know and operates a lot of applications on the computer systems and possibly design your own software. They are many graduates of Computer Engineering who cannot design software. As a trainee Journalist studying Mass Communication or Journalism you can reach out to Television and Radio Stations for volunteering opportunities even before graduation. Design your own program that can capture the interest of audience that will announce a particular media house. Whenever you make yourself relevant in a chosen area of interest, jobs will not be too hard to get and if the job don’t come create one by starting small.

         ii.         VICTIM MENTALITY-
This is the toxic mentality that feels that victimization or marginalization is the reason why many people are where there are. Individual with this kind of mindset always have the feeling that somebody owes them something and that if they fail it is due to the effects of not being helped. They are not always responsible for their failures; they feel they failed because someone refused to help them. They are always carrying the mindset of victimization which may appear in the form of minority group, colonialism, neo-colonialism and slavery. Emmanuel Olumide once says: “No one can make you fail without your permission, so whatever you allow or permit is what you get”4.
Among common terms associated with these mindset are ‘’ I couldn’t get the job or contract because I am black, I am a woman, I am from the minority, I am an orphan, I am not educated, I don’t have a godfather, I am not a graduate like them. I couldn’t go further in school because I have no body to pay my school fees, I am from a poor family, I failed the examination because I could not afford to buy text books. These are all genuine and salient statement of fact but the fact does not make it real. The person that brings the reality of the situation is you, by taking necessary steps of faith. As a youngster ready to soar with the champions, you need to do away with these mindsets because for every excuse you give there are a million and one out there with similar kind of situation but they refused to give up instead they worked harder and smarter inculcating the attitude of patience, focus, determination and hard work.
    iii.            CONSUMER MENTALITY-
This is the mindset that consumes everything without conscious effort in sustaining production and saving for the future. They consume riotously like the prodigal son without regard for investment and savings. This kind of mindsets is common among children of the wealthy who have no basic foundation in hard work. A hard working youngster will always be conscious of waste because they know the amount of energy, resources and time they took to bring about production. The scripture was very emphatic on this in Proverbs 21:20 Amplified Version when it says: ‘There are precious treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise but a self confident and foolish man swallows it up and wastes it ‘’. A consumer mentality youngster will be very difficult to grow beyond their stomach because all they are interested in is to eat up what they have; therefore they cannot move on the ladder of Global Champions.
             iv.   MATERIALISM MENTALITY-
This is the mindset with the excessive desire to acquire and consume material goods without regard for savings and investment. It is bond with the value system which regards ones social status based on wealth and consumption as well as the notion that happiness can increase through buying, spending and accumulating material wealth. They believe the only reason they need to work hard and be rich is for themselves and their immediate families. A genuine hard working individual works not only to satisfy pleasure of self but to touch humanity with a milk of human kindness. They focus their earnings on buying pleasurable items like latest wrist watch, jewelries, cars, clothing etcetera. Why spend millions on luxuries and you don’t have any single business investment? Why waste money on vacation now when you know that it can be channeled into a business venture that could raise the money for vacation and other pleasure later.
6.            Develop investment mentality: This is the mindset that dwells on multiplication of all that one has through multiple streams of investment channels. It is concerned with the acquisition of assets instead of liabilities. The ideology where your money work for you instead of working for money. We are in a generation where many youths are carried away with diverse technology particularly the innovation in mobile phones. Many youngsters get carried away with the fanciful technology without any consciousness for investment. You can buy the latest Smartphone until the next big technology shows up but you cannot buy the latest shares or investment that will take care of your future. There is nothing wrong in buying big phones but as a hard working and investment conscious youngsters your investment comes first before any other pleasurable spending. Consumer mentality will use all their hard earned salary to buy Smartphone but investment conscious youngster will use their income to buy asset (something that puts money into their pockets, these asset gives them returns and the profit buys liabilities) but the other teenagers and youths waste their earnings on frivolity. Which one are you; Investment conscious teen/youth or consumer conscious teen/youth? Investment conscious youngster is prudent on how he/she uses his/her time, energy, association, money and talent. What have you been doing with your time, money, talent and association? Is it running into investment or running into liabilities? Your answer may not be far from mine.
7.            Develop your talent and skill into a professional. We are at a crucial cross road in our nation when emphasis is shifting from just being an ordinary employee to being a professional in one’s chosen vocation or career. As a hard working teen/youth you must develop your capacity in terms of your talent and skills into professional where you become an authority in your chosen area of calling. Who is a professional?  A professional is a member of a profession (vocation founded upon specialized education and training) it is the standard of education and training that prepares members of the profession with the particular knowledge and skill necessary to perform their roles.  Being a professional means to be a pilot of your chosen profession to the point where you become an authority. In every profession, professionals are well paid because they dictate the pace and mind of the profession.

As a hard working youngster you must bear in mind that professionalism is not about going to school, it is about developing yourself with the ethics, standard and quality of the profession, attending relevant trainings in the course of doing your job. It is not about being called an Engineer but in practice through bringing engineering solution to problems. Having passion for a particular vocation and not going extra mile to build your capacity as a professional is tantamount to knowing the job and being underpaid as a technician instead of engineer.
Everyone should rise to the task to embrace professionalism in every chosen vocation. Know your onions well to the point that nobody can ignore your services. Act with clear sense of direction and conviction that you are in the right vocation to deliver solutions to the problems of humanity.
                    i.   Have a clear goals and know what you want in life
                  ii.   Write down  your vision and work towards accomplishing them
                iii.   Train to be an expert in your calling.
                iv.   Work with people who are smarter and versed than you and humble yourself to learn from them even if they are your mates
                  v.   Avoid involving yourself in shady deals that is inimical to your profession
                vi.   Always learn to update yourself on your professional ethics and values
              vii.   Attend your professional training and courses
            viii.   Uphold technical and ethical standard or else you will be thrown out. Every vocation has its ethics and standard
                ix.   Control your private interference from your job. Avoid using your company’s account as your account, if it is your personal company place yourself on a salary.
                  x.   Be passionate about your job always. When it comes to working hard to deliver best result and productivity, professionalism is the surest path. 

Remember the roll call of many great achievers; they were all professionals who focused on developing a professional mentality. When it comes to professionalism in business you have Bill Gates and Larry Ellison professionalized in software development. Aliko Dangote focused his business professionalism on selling and distribution of commodities, Ray Kroc, Dave Thomas and Carl Linder focused on fast food, Mary Kay focused on beauty care, Michael Dell and Ted Watt focused on professionalism in computer hardware, Ralph Lauren and Giorgio Armani focused on professionalism on fashion design. Professionalism based on hard work has brought many of these individuals from nobody to somebody, from mediocrity to authority, from poverty to prosperity, from zero to hero and today there are being celebrated as global champions. You too can become another icon to be celebrated. Work hard to be well known at whatever you are doing.
Agenyi Enyo Monday 


Vacancies for academic personnel

Only vacancies in English are shown on this page. For a complete list of all the vacancies currently open at the university, please consult the vacancy pages in Dutch.

PhD position opportunities in History University of Antwerp

Doctoral Grant (BOF) area of History - 2017BAPDOCPROEX209

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities is seeking to fill a full-time (100%) vacancy in the History Department for a
Doctoral Grant by the University Research Fund (BOF) in the area of history
Centre for Urban History
Project title: Back to the Future: future expectations in the Low Countries, 1400-1600
Job description
  • You prepare a doctoral thesis in the field of late medieval and sixteenth-century history.
  • You publish scientific articles related to the research project of the assignment.
  • You contribute to teaching and research in the History Department.
Profile and requirements
  • You hold a master degree  in history or in literature with a strong historical interest.
  • You can submit outstanding academic results.
  • Students in the final year of their degree can also apply.
  • Foreign candidates are encouraged to apply.
  • Your academic qualities comply with the requirements stipulated in the university’s policy.
  • You are quality-oriented, conscientious, creative and cooperative.
  • Reading knowledge of languages other than Dutch, French or English (or a willingness to acquire such knowledge in the short term) is highly relevant (Italian, German, …).

Thursday 18 June 2015

Corporate and Project Employment

Topic Expert/s and Facilitator for Pacific Regional Learning Event (WASH)

Topic Expert/s and Facilitator
for Pacific Regional Learning Event

The Civil Society Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Fund II (CS WASH Fund/the Fund) is an Australian aid initiative funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). The Fund is overseen by the WSH Section within DFAT and managed by the CS WASH Fund Management Facility (FMF) under contract to GRM International Pty Ltd (GRM) until 6 March 2016. The Fund resources 13 international civil society organisations (CSOs) selected through a competitive grants program to deliver 29 WASH projects over a four-year implementation period in countries in Southern Africa, South and West Asia, East Asia and the Pacific.  Grant funding for the implementation period is approximately AUD93 million.  The CSOs previously received approximately AUD760,000 to support the strengthening of their activity designs during the Fund’s Inception Phase.

The overarching goal of the Fund is to improve public health by increasing access to safe water and sanitation.  The objective is to enhance the health and quality of life of the poor and vulnerable by improving sustainable access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene. 

Purpose of Role
The Topic Expert/s and Facilitator for the Pacific RLE will be engaged to guide the direction and content of the program, act as either a co-facilitator or lead facilitator for the event and the phased learning activities beforehand (e-discussion, webinar), and contribute to the final report on the event. 

It is envisaged that each of the roles of topic expert and facilitator may be required for up to 20 days (dependent on agreed level of contribution to the event program) during the period July to December 2015

Minimum education and experience required
  • Demonstrated high-level of thematic expertise and international recognition in lead topic areas: delivering sustainable WASH services in capacity-constrained environments; integration of WASH services especially with the health and education sectors; and disaster risk reduction and WASH resilience
  • Demonstrated competence as a presenter and/or facilitator at large (>50 people) participatory learning events
  • Demonstrated ability to produce learning materials on relevant topics
  • Working knowledge of gaps and challenges facing CSOs working in the Pacific
  • Understanding of global good WASH practice (preferred)
  • Experience working in Pacific region (preferred)
  • Social media knowledge or experience (preferred).
  • A high level of proficiency in spoken and written English
  • The position demands strong interpersonal skills relevant to working with large multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary groups.

This position has been assessed as a C4 short-term adviser in line with the Adviser Remuneration Framework (ARF).

Click here to view the position description.

Interested? Please submit your CV through the GRM International Careers Page ( 

Applications close on 21 July 2015.

Only successful applicants will be contacted.